
I walk into the labyrinth with this prayer: I can be happy in this life.  I walk slowly, intentionally and calmly repreating this prayer several times to myself. I feel the magic of the Marin Headlands. I open myself wider and take in the expansive views from the Pacific cliffs overlooking the fog covered waves.…

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I met my friend for lunch at the beach in Half Moon Bay today. There was no one on the beach when I got there. That Boys of Summer song played in my head. It was foggy, but the sun kept trying to peak through. As I sat looking out at the water, I saw…

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I lay on my back half submerged in this river cradled by warm, smooth granite. This is one of my favorite ways to feel the heartbeat of the river. The swift current comes underneath and through me in pulses. I start to know the specific vibration of myself and the water in this moment. There’s…

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