Posts Tagged ‘nature’
Standing still with the Sun to honor the Solstice. Watching the Sun dance with the water, wind, trees, tides, and shining deeply through the clear, blue sky. I find witnessing moments like this so romantic. It’s the romance between nature and me. Sometimes I cry because it is so beautiful and I have only tears,…
Read MoreWhat Am I Watching?
I saw a friend at a party recently. He seemed excited to know what I’ve been reading and watching on TV. I read & watch tv, but nothing I could think of seemed worth recommending. I wanted to be able to rattle off all the interesting things I’ve learned recently, but my mind was blank.…
Read MoreSpring Equinox
A simple, sincere celebration. Today I only had a moment to honor the Spring Equinox. I spotted the first purple hyacinth I’ve seen this year blooming wild in the grass. I felt humbled by her beauty and freshness. I couldn’t look away for the longest time because of how fleeting Spring wild flowers can be.…
Read MoreListening to Water
Listening to water calms me. I often try to hear words in her sounds and find messages in my experience of her. My desire to make meaning is a front for my longing to experience the unearned love of the divine. The ways water shines her love on me fill up the spaces between words…
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