
The ocean is part of my heart, my healing, my being, always.

I walked towards the ocean today. The closer I got the bigger my feelings came rushing through me, out my eyes, down my face. I filled my lungs with misty air and kept going.

I saw an old friend and she offered to walk with me, but I needed my solitude still, so I said, “No, thank you.”

The beauty of the ocean is that no matter what I feel she’s bigger, louder, more powerful, all encompassing. She can take all of me and so much more. She wants to recycle it all in the most graceful way.

I found my favorite Buddha cave and sat down to have more feelings, but they didn’t come. I felt so peaceful, happy and complete sitting there watching the waves and the sunset.

Then a friend called me to talk and had the most kind things to say to me. The kind of words that make you feel truly seen and appreciated just for being yourself, no effort needed. Unexpected love is everywhere.

Another long lost friend texted me at the same time and still another friend was there to watch the sunset and we waved and smiled. I’m never alone, even when I try to be. The places I love are filled with people I love.

The sun set over the ocean behind the rocks and I watched a brilliant half moon rise. I finally hiked back in the moonlight and felt totally in love with being seen by the stars, the puffy evening clouds bypassing the moon, the towering trees, screeching owls, singing frogs and unknown creatures rustling in the bushes.

I’m so grateful for all of this and my life.

Anastasia Taioglou

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