WUNJO - The Rune of Joy

Years ago I bought The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum. It's a handbook for the Spiritual Warrior and the rune stones are an oracle providing a mirror and a little magic for knowing yourself deeply. I've consulted these runes many times over the years and value the way they consistently bring my focus directly to the heart of the matter. Wunjo (joy) is a rune that repeatedly appears for me - an inner urge to follow my joy always. It's a good way for me.

Writing is something that brings me peace, joy and exhilaration to share my inner world. Writing helps me make sense of myself and my world. I started writing for myself in high school. Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way introduced me to Morning pages and they have been my friend for years.


Remembering my beloved George-kitty today. A year ago, his brother John and I were so devastated when he disappeared. There’s still a George-shaped hole in my heart where I keep all my memories of what a loving, unique, funny, curious, frustrating and amazing feline he was. I’m not ashamed to admit that he was totally…

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I have so much gratitude and love for each person that ever made a prayer for equality, attended a protest or marched in support of LGBT rights, stood up for themselves or someone they love against hateful speech, action and ignorance, asked a question about something from a humble place of wanting to understand, kept…

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It has always bothered me that these magnificent birds are called Turkey Vultures or Buzzards. It seemed a vulgar name for such a majestic being, but maybe only because I didn’t understand the beauty of vulture medicine. I was thinking about how excited I get when I see an eagle, an owl or a hawk…

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I’m so grateful to my mom for her endless patience with me, her persistence in supporting me to follow my heart, her wisdom in raising me with a beautiful blend of freedom and structure, her honesty about how life can be and her conviction that we can all make a difference and do our part…

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It’s my sister Amanda’s birthday today! She’ll always be 5 years older than me, taller than me, thinner than me, more handy at fixing things, more mechanical, a better driver, a better cowgirl, a little more rowdy and a lot more calm and helpful in a crisis. She’ll most likely always have more amazing boots and…

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